Topic 2-CALL in language education

CALL in language education

Benefits of CALL:

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Disadvantages of CALL:

  • Less-handy equipment.

  • Increased educational costs.

  • Lack of trained teachers.

  • Imperfect current CALL programs

  • Inability to handle unexpected situations

Limitations in the deployment of CALL materials:

  • Slow access.

  • Internet server complications.

  • Unknown end-user configuration.

  • Need for plug-ins.

  • Technophobic students/teachers. 

The Three Stages of CALL:

An Extra Stage, The Intelligent CALL: 

  • The so-called "intelligent CALL" (Warschauer) comprises multiple media and involves intelligent software products. 

  • This type of language learning can be organized in classrooms and should be accessible via a virtual private network.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I agree with the upsides and drawbacks of CALL since there is no enough recent information of the implementation of it, however, it is neede to foster teacher to be trained as tech users to make a change in the educational system.

  3. I believe blogs about CALL are only relevant for tech-savvy teachers. If someone is not comfortable with technology or lacks access to adequate resources, the blog's content may not be practical or applicable to their teaching context.


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